Video transcript

Like the maintenance on a car our bodies need sleep in order to function properly.

While sleeping the brain processes new information, stores memories, regulates appetite and eliminates harmful toxins.

Inadequate sleep in children impacts concentration, affects behaviour, increases the risk of obesity in adulthood and affects school performance.

Addressing these difficulties early can significantly improve your child's school readiness.

A warm bath and the subsequent drop in temperature upon getting out increases melatonin production this is the hormone that stimulates sleepiness keeping lights dim once the bedtime routine has begun will tell your child's brain that it is nighttime encouraging further melatonin production.

Keeping bedtimes and wake-up times the same even at weekends will help your child to establish a sleep routine.

Consider your child's bedroom keep the temperature stable between 16 and 20 degrees, remove distractions and add blackout curtains, limit the use of screens for at least an hour before bedtime the blue lights emitted by these devices actively reduce melatonin levels making your child feel more awake, avoid giving your child a large meal close to their bedtime, instead consider offering sleep-friendly snacks such as a glass of milk a small banana or some porridge.

Caffeinated drinks and chocolate are stimulants and should be avoided before bedtime blackcurrant juice should also be avoided as it stimulates the bladder which could disturb your child's sleep.

If there is no improvement after four to six weeks please contact your health visitor or school nurse team for further advice.

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  • Health Visiting Service

    This service offers children and families routine health and development reviews, as well as additional support when it's needed.

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